Student Reporter
- A study conducted by psychologists from the claims that an organized and clutter-free room can allow students to think better, sleep better and decrease stress levels.
Alana Shotpouch, a junior from Jay, said that she doesn’t want to be trapped in a messy room because it results in a messy mind. Shotpouch also said having a messy room can intensify her stress levels, but once her room is clean she “feels good inside and am more productive.” - Another way to densify stress is by listening to music. The counseling services at the University of Nevada mention how a slower tempo of music can quiet your mind and relax you muscles to sooth and unwind from any stress that you may be feeling. “Because, one, it kind of helps me clear my mind and I think it helps you take your mind off of other things. Like, if you just wanted to clear your mind for a little bit,” said Allison Williams a freshman from Cushing.
- Research shows that shopping can reduce anxiety and stress by giving a sense of control over your own choices and environment which results in a better feeling, according to “Online shopping and shopping at the boutiques around town just makes me feel good. I get to spend my hard earned money that I use to treat myself with,” said Brinley Buchanan, an undeclared freshman from Drummond.
- While working out can not only be beneficial for your overall health, it can also be tool to help unwind, relax, and destress. The Mayo Clinic encourages physical activity and its ability to release feel-good neurotransmitters, also known as endorphins, to help the production of your brain. Eric Hunter, a senior psychology major from Houston, TX, says that working out can help him blow off steam. Hunter is a student athlete, so finding a way to destress is important to him. He also says that he enjoys working out with his friends and teammates because it allows him to speak his true thoughts.
- Having a reward system in place can increase student motivation to complete assignments and tasks, according to By implementing a reward system, students can feel more apt to accomplish their to-do lists, knowing that there’s a reward at the end. By improving motivation, students can unwind after completing their tasks.