Feature Editor

578149_581312671939542_1088027729_nWe are at the end of “dead week” at Northwestern, a concept that totally, most definitely, absolutely DOES NOT EXIST on this campus. Rather than a free week to prepare for numerous looming final exams, we are given the task of writing 39,763 academic papers, becoming a Nobel Prize winner, getting a planet named after you and domesticizing all polar bears on the unconquerable lands of Antarctica. Okay, perhaps it’s not quite to that extent, but the pressures of pre-finals week can seem nearly that daunting at times.

With these rising stress levels comes rising grumpy levels, as the campus is filled with sleep-deprived, cranky, hangry college students just barely hanging on until Christmas break. At this point, no one wants to write annotated bibliographies or study for that next chem exam; essentially, we’re all just trying to survive day to day.

During this time, it is important to remember to stay calm, stay healthy and be good to others around you. We’re all going a little insane at this point of the semester, so it’s always a great idea to practice some human decency and remember to smile on occasion. Be good to each other and remember we’re all trying to make it, together.

So try not to drown in a pile of notecards covered in facts about microbiology, prop your eyelids open with extra strength, power through those term papers, avoid Netflix (I know, that’s like asking you not to breathe), and don’t give up. The end is nigh!