By CHRISTINA MUNTSER, Student Reporter

Northwestern is attempting to help student’s with their needs with the assistance of a $1.04 million grant awarded by U.S. Department of Education in 2015.

Student Support Services has the ultimate goal of making each student’s college experience successful to graduation and graduate school.

Senior Jeremiah Carter, a Business major from Fresno, California, started with Student Support Services a year and half ago and was later hired on for a leadership position.

“I like helping people the upcoming generations that are in the same position I once was,” Carter said. “Being the support system for those who need it and looking forward to the experiences to get my foot in the door to help high school seniors [life coaching] other students to succeed.”

The grant requires Student Support Services to provide academic tutoring in the areas of reading, writing, study skills, mathematics, science and other subjects needed; along with assisting students financially with scholarships. With the grant, Student Services provide tutors at certain times of day within their courses. Coaches are also provided to work one on one with students and mentor them throughout their college career.

Eligibility for the program begins with an application process and acceptance into Northwestern. Those who are eligible are students who are first generation college students or students with disabilities.

These services are provided to students at no extra cost, but students are required to meet weekly with an advisor, participate in tutoring, participate in elected webinars, workshops and Student Support Services events, commit to graduating in a five year deadline and maintain cumulatively a grade point average of a 2.0.

For more information on Student Support Services at Northwestern contact Dennis Angle, PhD., SSS Project Director. His office is located in Fine Arts, Rm. 105. Students can email him at or call his office at (580)-327-8119.