By NICK VILLALOBOS, Editor in Chief

Nearly 100 former and current theater students filled the ballroom Saturday night for the 50 year of Northwestern theater reunion.

The night was full of reflection and laughter as theater alumni shared with the audience their fondest memories of their time with Kimberly Weast, current professor of theater arts and department of fine arts chair and Linda “Doc” Stewart, Weast’s predecessor and former professor of theater arts.

Theater alumni and event emcee’s, Robert Yocham, Tom Mason and Lewis Maize, started the night off by spending time at the podium, extending their appreciation for the efforts of both Weast and Stewart throughout their college years.

“Everything that you learn from Weast and Stewart, it’s going to be in you,” Yocham said. “And, even when you don’t even realize it, it’s going to come out whenever you need it.”

Yocham then shared what he learned under the advisement of Stewart, and throughout his time in theater. “When something’s wrong in your life, you act your way through it,” he said. “It’s not that you don’t care about what’s going on with that person, but you have to do some improvisation and get through that.”

Then Maize shared his gratitude towards Weast for the efforts that she had in his life. “I would not be the man I am today without Kimberly Weast,” he said. “Her constant dedication to making me better not only as a person but as an artist, and seeing her enthusiasm and passion for the arts is what brought it out of me.

Following the praise of Weast and Stewart, members of the audience filled the remainder of the night with entertainment as they performed several of their favorite skits from their time in the department.

For Stewart, the night, and day, was considered to be the most thrilling moments of her life.

Seeing the efforts of current Northwestern theater students in making Saturday so special brought Stewart the most amount of joy, according to Valerie Case, university relations specialist and reunion coordinator.