By NICK VILLALOBOS, Editor in Chief

Northwestern was notified on Nov. 9 by health officials at Woods County Health Department about a confirmed case of the mumps virus on the Alva campus.

Officials said the case was diagnosed late Nov. 7. Since the initial diagnosis, the student that contracted the virus has not attended classes. The student is also not a resident in on-campus housing.

The university said it has sought advice from health care officials on the matter and is working to insure those who could have come in contact with the student are notified of potential risk of the virus.

Mumps Symptoms:
Mumps is best known for the puffy cheeks and swollen jaw that it causes. This is a result of swollen salivary glands.
The most common symptoms include:
• Fever
• Headache
• Muscle aches
• Tiredness
• Loss of appetite
• Swollen and tender salivary glands under the ears on one or both sides (parotitis)
Symptoms typically appear 16-18 days after infection, but this period can range from 12-25 days after infection.

Transmission of Mumps:
Mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. It spreads through saliva or mucus from the mouth, nose, or throat. An infected person can spread the virus by
• coughing, sneezing, or talking,
• sharing items, such as cups or eating utensils, with others, and
• touching objects or surfaces with unwashed hands that are then touched by others.
Mumps likely spreads before the salivary glands begin to swell and up to five days after the swelling begins.

For additional information about the virus, contact Share Medical Center at 580-327-2800 or visit them at 800 Share Dr. Alva, Ok. 73717.