Student Writer

Playing collegiate football was something that he was completely focused on, until his focuses changed when he was diagnosed with high blood pressure in the summer between high school and college.
Chris Turner is a junior at Northwester Oklahoma State University that is currently trying to obtain a bachelor’s degree in computer science. After being diagnosed with high blood pressure the doctor said that if Turner didn’t get it down he could be just running around and have a heart attack, “It was really scary more than anything, said Turner.”
Turner doesn’t let the fact that he doesn’t play football bother him. He is still enthusiastic as a junior and is focused on his health and learning to help further his self in life. Learning is one of his passions.
He decided to continue his education after he wasn’t playing football because he has worked multiple jobs before. He said that while he was doing that he made good money, but didn’t enjoy his self because he was only getting about 4 hours of sleep a night and didn’t have time to do anything. This is another reason he studies and wants to do something he likes, so he doesn’t have to work that much all the time and can enjoy things.
Turner tries to keep multiple plans in mind upon graduation. After he graduates he wants to either continue is education to get his master’s degree in electrical engineering or aviation, go into the work force or join the Navy or the Airforce. Flying airplanes has been something that he has wanted to do since he was a kid.
“No matter what I do, I still want to get my master’s degree so I can further my education, said Turner.”