The men’s team: John Godwin, Hunter Frisby, A.J. Jones, Cedric Collinge, Greg Minor Jr., Brandon Green, Trey Johnson, Saba Gvedshivili, A’keem Oglesby, Elijah Parks, Hayden Graham, Treyvon Andres and Garrick Golden.

Student Reporter

The men’s basketball game against SWOSU took place on Feb. 19. Here is some information to help get to know some of the players:
His last game at Percefull Fieldhouse Senior Cedric Collinge from Fort Collins, Colorado, gave a moment of his time to answer a few questions. During his time on the Northwestern basketball team Collinge said that there was something coach told him that he will remember, “Take advantage of the opportunities I have in front of me and make sure to be a vocal leader on the team.”
He also said the easiest aspect of his game was his dunking skills even though he doesn’t show it off that often. The brotherhood of basketball has taught him many things, but he said the most important thing was that he could rely on his team to help him get through tough times and that basketball is about family. “They can lead you to success if you believe in each other,” Collinge said.
Trey Johnson, a senior form Phoenix, Arizona, and Health and Sports fitness management degree major, said that the advice coach Dirden gave him that Johnson will always take with him was, “Whether it’s basketball or life you will always have to give 100%.”
Johnson said he feels that a lot of his game comes easy to him, but the easiest aspect of his game is finishing around the rim because he always focuses on making shots that are closets to the rim.
Johnson also takes the more relaxing vibe going into the game unlike his teammates, he says “I prefer to be as relaxed and goofy as possible, I find that it helps me play to the best of my abilities.”
He said that basketball has taught him many things but the biggest thing that it taught him, was when things seem hopeless you have to believe, and you will be surprised with the outcome.
Greg Minor, a senior from Louisville, Kentucky, said he has been given many words of advice from coach Dirdan but the one that he will remember is when the coach told him to “stay confident even though he’s going to be picky on expectations. So just stay confident and play your game.”
Minor said he believes that his offense is what comes easy to him this year, but his defense comes the easiest to him.
One-way Minor prepares for his games is that he listens to R&B to start off and by halftime of the girl’s game he listens to all rap music.
Criminal justice major, Cody Halvorson, is a senior from Temple, Texas. He said that the advice that coach gave was to be confident and to keep his swagger.
Halvorson has shown all year that he is one of the best shooters in the GAC and it comes as no surprise when he said that the easiest aspect of his game is his shooting.
Halvorson said he doesn’t do anything different from his teammates when it comes to preparing for the game, he just watches the girls game and listens to music.