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Spring is a time of new things. Spears of green grass push through the soil. Baby calves play in the pastures. College students graduate, and move on from college in to a career.
The confusion and struggle of leaving school is what career services at Northwestern try to help with. That is why Northwestern holds the annual Spring Career/Internship Fair. It is a chance for students to meet with potential employers. It is a chance for students to start their professional lives, whether it is a new job or a summer internship.
The fair will be held from 11 a.m. till 2 p.m. on March 12 in the Student Center. Andrea Lauderdale, career services coordinator, is in charge of the event.
Although the fair is focused of students, anyone is welcome to attend, Lauderdale said.
“We encourage all students to attend,” she said, “whether you are looking for a job right away or not. Just come see who’s there. Make connections. Get an idea of who is hiring so that you have some resources for when it’s your turn.”
There will be many possible employers. Some will be looking to hire and others will be looking for interns. Several majors require internships. Even though several majors don’t require internships, they still can count for elective credits.
“Internships are so important because they give you real, hands-on experience,” Lauderdale said.
Students coming to the fair should come prepared. Many possible employers will be there so students should dress professionally and bring several copies of their resume. Students looking for help with their resumes can also go to career services for help.
“As always, the Career Services Office is here to help,” Lauderdale said. “Whether it be helping create or update your resume to assisting you with your job search efforts, come by! We are happy to help however we can!”