Alexis Stuart gives up social media for a month.

News Editor

Could you go one month without social media?
For the month of February an early childhood education major decided to do just that. Alexis Stuart said she came up with this idea of deleting her social media after beginning to feel like it was taking up a lot of her time. “Time that I needed to focus on my studies for school,” Stuart said.
During her month without the social media, Stuart said she was better able to focus on her studies. “And I felt like I got to know myself a little bit better,” she said.
While she said she wouldn’t delete social media permanently, because she likes to stay in touch with family and friends through social media, Stuart did say that there weren’t really any drawbacks going without it. “I thought about it less, and less the more the month went on,” she said. “It was pretty easy because I did not have the apps on my phone, so I was not tempted to get on social media.”
Even though the month is over, and she has social media back, Stuart said that “It was 100% worth the experience and I would definitely do it again because it was a great learning process.”
She also said that after having this experience she thinks others should try it. “Even if it’s just one app for a week,” Stuart said. “I think it will show people how much we just mindlessly scroll through our phones.”
As a piece of advice for anyone thinking of trying it Stuart said go for it, don’t second guess yourself just delete it. “It gives your mind a break from the crazy outside world and lets you think about what is truly important in life,” she said.