The Rodriguez family

Feature Editor

Moving can be a tiresome, annoying, and expensive, but for one young woman it was a journey of self discovery.
Karen Trinity Rodriguez is a sophomore elementary education major from Camora, Mexico, Hemet, California, Henderson, Nevada, and finally, Buffalo, Oklahoma. Born in Camora, Rodriguez spent few years there leaving her with no memory of her life lived there, but began to grow up in southern California attending the 1st through the 4th grade.
After the 4th grade she moved to Henderson, finishing her 4th grade year before moving back to Cali during her 5th grade year. “I enjoyed living in California more than I enjoyed Nevada, I have a lot of family in California,” Rodriguez said. “Hands down, the weather in California is the best. I hate the cold.”
Rodriguez loved going to the mall, Long Beach, and the movies with all of her friends. “There’s always something to do in California,” Rodriguez said. It wasn’t until the summer of 2012 that Rodiguez’s life would change emotionally, and physically. Rodriguez’s family moved to Oklahoma because her Dad moved for work, he had been living there since 2011, in 2012 her mom and her brother came to visit.
After only packing for a couple of months, the family’s car broke down in Buffalo. “It was late, we had no car, so we decided to spend the night in a hotel, a week went by and we rented out a house until our car was fixed, my mom fell in love with the small town and we decided to stay,” Rodriguez said.
Rodriguez graduated in 2016 and made the best memories of her life in Buffalo.
“Moving helped me to see that there are more opportunities no matter where you go,” Rodriguez said. “Now that I am attending Northwestern, and living with my lifelong friends, I learned to love a small town, and I am thankful that we moved.”