
On April 9, we students here at Northwestern will elect next years officers for our Student Government Association. It’s an opportunity for us to share our voice for the future we want here in Ranger Nation. This year we have quite a few folks running for the different offices, but I want to take this time to talk to you about one individual running for Vice President.
I am proud to call J.C. Wells one of my closest friends. From the moment we met three years ago, being suite mates in Coronado Hall as freshmen, I have the seen the passion he has for helping others. When someone is in need, he doesn’t skip a beat to offer assistance, whether it be tutoring someone who is struggling in math or helping out with a personal problem.
J.C. has served in SGA since he was freshman, and this past year he has served us a member of their executive team. Throughout his time serving our student body, he has pushed SGA to be more transparent, to reach out and get more students involved, and to actively hear what concerns we students have about our school. He also serves as an RA in Coronado Hall, a position he has held for two years now. His entire life since enrolling in college has been devoted to bettering our student body.
I can think of no better person to serve us as our next vice president. His heart and passion for Northwestern knows no bounds, and the willpower he posses I know will go to bettering our Campus and ensuring that tomorrow is better than yesterday for all of Ranger Nation.
I urge each and every student in the Northwestern Community to vote for J.C. Wells to be the next Vice President on April 9!