Sean Doherty
Student writer

Seven students campaigned across campus this week seeking election to the Student Government Association officer team.
Northwestern News sat down with each candidate to ask them about their motives for running, why they’re seeking their positions, what they hope to accomplish, and why they should be chosen. Presidential candidates Jacey Bales and Alexander Tune were not available for comment.
Vice President
Jess (J.C.) Wells is senior Math Education major from Laverne, Oklahoma. His decision was a delayed one, but says his experience sets him apart.
“I was honestly on the fence about running until the Friday our application was due. The whole week leading up was just trying to get a feel for if I really wanted to throw my name in the hat.” Wells said.
“This is my third year in SGA so I have seen the side as a senator, and having a year as an officer under my belt, I feel like I can help the SGA do great things next year.”
“I figured by me running and bringing some experience, I could help bring some insight to next year’s executive team.”
Wells is seeking more responsibility from his role this year. “I felt like I should take a little bit more of the responsibility than I had as Treasurer, and I felt that VP was the best option for me.”
Wells looks to improve student involvement during Howdy Week and throughout the year.
“As an officer it is my hope that we can get students involved. I know this year for the most part our numbers have been up and I’d like to see that continue. Having more students involved and helping make decisions for the student body helps in the long run,” Wells said.
“That was great seeing so many people out having fun, getting to meet people, and taking some time off from the stresses college can bring.”
Mason Monsees, a freshman criminal justice major from Garber, OK, is looking forward to the social aspect of the SGA. “I decided to run so that I could become more involved around campus and make new friends while doing so.”
Monsees was looking for a challenge when he decided to run for Vice President. “I’m running for VP because it requires lots of time and hard work. I like having a challenge and this position is one of the most difficult.
Jordan Harris is simply looking to get involved. “It’s a great opportunity not only for me to get more involved with Northwestern but to try to get others involved too.” Harris said.
The freshman Health & Sports Science Education major from Enid, Oklahoma, puts an emphasis on the students’ voice. “Helping students with their concerns about the campus is a big thing. I also hope to encourage students to get more involved while they’re at Northwestern.”
Harris says her personality and previous experience with officer teams sets her apart. “I’m a very outgoing person and I am an active college student who loves to be involved and help out. I’ve also had experiences working with an officer team so I know how to work well and let everyone’s voices be heard.”
Baylee Felber, a freshman psychology major from Waukomis, Oklahoma, looks to continue her success from high school at Northwestern.
“I decided to run for the SGA treasurer office because I saw it as an opportunity to get involved and spread my leadership skills that I’ve learned through my student council group from high school,” Felber said. “I held the Treasurer office back in my student council group, and I felt that I succeeded in it. So when the opportunity became available it was an automatic decision.”
Felber hopes to accomplish the same things as her other officers, but also wants to demonstrate her leadership abilities. “I believe I’d be the best choice as SGA Treasurer, because of my experience, dedication, and knowledge in this position.”
Ethan Sackett looks forward to working with Northwestern’s finest, and says his background speaks for itself. “Holding a leadership position on campus provides a great opportunity to serve and to collaborate with a cross-section of NWOSU’s strongest team members,” Sackett said. “My background has already built the foundation that would make me a viable candidate. I have experienced leadership opportunities in President Cunningham’s Leadership Class as well as many clubs and organizations on campus.”
Sackett believes his background in business also helps his case. “I am a business guy and finances have been a big part of my entrepreneurial experiences, so logically the office that I’m running for is a perfect fit.”
Most of all he looks to serve NWOSU as a whole. “I look forward to being a part of the decision making process that will benefit our campus and help our students to become more involved.”