Student Reporter

Jolly good show!

That’s what visitors can expect to see and applaude when attending the Northwestern Theater’s latest production to be presented, “The Glass Menagerie.”

Taken from the original play by Tennessee Williams, Tori Hurley, Northwestern senior Speech Theater major and play director, along with all of the staff and cast of the Northwestern Theater have spent countless hours and effort into bringing the play to the public on the Herod Hall Auditorium stage.

“It really has just been a lot of fun — a lot of work — putting it together,” Hurley said in regards to the work she’s done since last summer to create the play for the theater.

Hurley said that she began sifting through the first, foundational details for the play last summer and since then she has delved deeper and deeper into the play and production in preparation of presenting it to the Northwestern and Alva audience.

If one were to drop by the auditorium any given afternoon over the past week, they might have been surprised to see a minor crew surrounded by boards of lumber, plywood, and cans of special effects just standing by and ready for use.

Hurley said that this was all for preparing the set for the big night of the play, and that despite the numbered staff, progress was coming along well.

“We actually just started working on the set this week,” Hurley said. “We hope to get the fire escape and stairs installed, as well as get a lot of the bigger projects done soon.”

Though the play isn’t scheduled to debut until April 19, all of the hard work invested by Hurley and the many cast and crew members seems to have already reached an applause by department supervisor, Dr. Kimberly Weast.

“I think it is wonderful seeing a student go so far and directing a production like ‘The Glass Menagerie’,” Weast said. “The play is an American favorite that has a good story, and I am excited to see how all enjoy it.”

“The Glass Menagerie” will be performed at the Herod Auditorium April 19, 20 and 21 at various times as can be found online on the university calendar.

Faculty, staff and students from all across Northwestern as well as members of the community are encouraged to come and watch the humorous play brought to them by the hard work, perseverance and effort of the Northwestern Theater.