By Caitlyn Pray

Hey, Rangers!
I hope you’re having a fantastic day as you read through the paper with your cup of goodness and are ready and excited for your first, second, third or final year here at Northwestern!

As a sophomore starting my third semester, I can honestly say in my opinion that the experiences here just get better and better.

Probably the first thing you should know about me is that I love to take pictures (Isn’t that ironic?).
You’ll probably see me around campus or at an event snapping shots of the different Ranger activities, but even in my spare time I love taking pictures of scenery, animals, landscapes, but most of all people!

My love of photography stemmed from my high school days of actively competing in 4-H, which brought on a whole list of other activities

I enjoy as well. Coming from a farm in Caldwell, Kansas, I have spent an absorbent amount of time around animals, fields and the outside and still love working with all of them every chance I can. When I’m not riding my horse, going camping or working on some project, I have plenty of things I love to do on the inside too. I love to cook a lot, I love to write,

I love to read and I love trying to teach myself the violin, which is actually not nearly as hard as it sounds.

I am really excited for the new adventures the new school year has in store and I would love to hear where it takes you!

I’d love to meet you while I take pictures at a sporting event or fine arts rehearsal or just run across you on campus, but no matter where this next season of school might take you or me, I’m excited for both of us to see what exciting, new, unique experiences it holds. May this be our best semester yet!


By Ashley Watts


My name is Ashley Watts and I am the photographer for the Northwestern News. I was born on December 21, 1998. My parents are Czrena and Robert Watts and I have one older brother named Lee. My mom is a special ed teacher for the high school and my dad is a cotton farmer. My dad is a third generation farmer and now my brother is making his way to taking over the business.

I grew up in a small town, in the Texas panhandle, named Wellington. Growing up in a small town there was not much to do, so I took up golf. I have been playing golf for as long as I can remember. I have continued my golfing career here at Northwestern. This will be my second year playing ranger golf.

A fun fact about me is that I have been to Disney World twelve times, and I am going my thirteenth time this December. I have also been out of the country once. The summer after my senior year my mom, grandma, and I went to Scotland for a week and a half. Scotland was beautiful and I would like to go back as soon as I can.


By Megan Maharry

Sports Editor

My name is Megan Maharry and I am from Alva, Oklahoma. I am currently a junior Mass Communication major. After I graduate I want to go on to receive my Master’s somewhere outside of Oklahoma. I eventually want to work for ESPN as a sideline reporter or broadcaster.

I am also a member of the Lady Ranger soccer team. I enjoy hanging out with friends, watching sports, playing guitar and singing, and writing.