By Megan Brown

Student Reporter

“Let’s Talk About It, Oklahoma: Hope Amidst Hardships” is an event coming to the Alva Public Library over the next few months. This event will feature many of Northwestern’s’ professors including Dr. Jennifer Page and Dr. Roxie James of the English Department. “Let’s Talk About It, Oklahoma” is a series of talks presented by humanities scholars and a discussion among the participants to follow.

Oklahoma Humanities is responsible for this event which allows Oklahomans to expand their knowledge. This nonprofit organizations goal is to give people an opportunity to receive insight on the importance of humanities in life. Dr. Page, who is the event coordinator, says that this program is generously funded by The National Endowment for the Humanities, the Inasmuch Foundation, and the Kirkpatrick Family Fund.

“The ‘Let’s Talk About It Oklahoma’ program provides a way for people of all walks of life to talk about literature,” Dr. James said. These talks are based off of books that fit into the series topic, Hope Amidst Hardships. After looking at the reading list and attending a few past talks Dr. James decided to lead a talk in this year’s series.

When asked why she chose to participate in this event Dr. Page said, “As an English teacher, I love reading and sharing my love of literature with others. This program is also a good opportunity to provide service to the community.” Both Dr. Page and Dr. James believe that students can benefit from attending these talks.

An event like this can be beneficial to Northwestern students as it gives them the opportunity to branch out in the community and learn from fellow community members. Dr. Page believes that this event will allow students a chance to break out of their comfort zones and learn new things.

The five part series will be offered every other Monday beginning on Oct. 1 at 7 p.m. with Dr. Page discussing “The Glass Castle” and will end on Dec. 3 at 7 p.m. with Dr. James discussing “Tuesdays With Morrie.” Students are encouraged to attend at least one of the five talks.