
Oct 11, 2018

By Bailey Garza

Staff Reporter

A students biggest fear is failing college. Once a student thinks they’re failing most of them do not know what the next step is.

There is hope for those students who are struggling.

Dean of Students Affairs and Enrollment Management, Calleb Mosburg, said the first step a student should take is visiting with their instructor to find out what they are missing or the reason they are failing.

“Ask if the instructor believes if they are able to complete the course without failing,” Mosburg said. He said that if the student is failing or close to failing they should dedicate extra time to studying and completing assignments. Things that will help students if they don’t know is things such as the use of the academic success center, free tutoring services and utilize the library to study. Mosburg said that the students should talk to peers in the class that they are failing. They should set up times to discuss course material.

That is if the peer is willing to do so. Sometimes the student that is almost failing or is failing pulls through and passes the class in the end. For those students who can’t pass the class and have to drop, there are some things they should know.

Mosburg said that if the student is not able to pass the class, he would encourage the student to drop the course with a “W,” which means it would count as a withdrawal. The student should do so before Oct. 15. The reason a student should drop their failing course instead of completing it is because if they drop it as an “F” it will be worse on their record than a withdrawal would be.

If you are close to failing a class or already failing a class, you haven been given the tips to get yourself out of failure or to drop a failing class. The last day to drop or withdraw from a class is Nov. 30.