By Patricia Pixler and McKayla Holson

Student Reporter

CBD, short for cannabidiol, has become both a buzz word and a debate in today’s society.

Why? It all involves marijuana. CBD is one of the chemical compounds found in marijuana, also known as cannabis. Unlike the compound THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, which produces the “high” that marijuana is associated with, CBD is known for its medicinal properties. Medicinal marijuana, typically delivered in oil form, is sweeping the nation as a safe and organic way to combat a variety of ailments.

CBD oil is created by extracting CBD from the marijuana plant and diluting it with a carrier oil such as coconut or hemp seed oil, according to This oil is given as prescribed by a doctor. states, “People take cannabidiol by mouth for anxiety, bipolar disorder, a muscle disorder called dystonia, seizures, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and schizophrenia.” This is in addition to CBD oil’s more well-known use for pain management and reduction of chemotherapy-related symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.

Shannon Corbitt, a user of CBD, said that there are many benefits and she uses it to help manage her pain. Corbitt has scoliosis, this means that her spine is curved. Corbitt uses CBD lotion on her back to help ease the pain. “It doesn’t take it [the pain] away, but it makes it where I can function and it’s bearable,” said Corbitt.

Though not officially endorsed by the American Cancer Society, the organization’s website states “The American Cancer Society supports the need for more scientific research on cannabinoids for cancer patients, and recognizes the need for better and more effective therapies that can overcome the often debilitating side effects of cancer and its treatment.”

Study of CBD and its benefits is ongoing. There is no exact known reason for why it possesses the benefits it does. While researchers continue to replicate the results of pain management, anxiety reduction and other benefits, pinpointing exactly why CBD oil helps is more difficult.

A number of theories exist, including one on that states “Cannabidiol seems to prevent the breakdown of a chemical in the brain that affects pain, mood and mental function.” CBD is not without side-effects, however. and list side-effects including diarrhea, low blood pressure, lightheadedness, changes in appetite, dry mouth, fatigue and various interactions with medications.

Yet the perceived value of medicinal marijuana continues to spread throughout the nation, including Oklahoma. In June, voters passed legislation that made CBD oil legal in the state. Local dispensaries have appeared over the subsequent months, including a dispensary in Waynoka.

The dispensary in Waynoka is called Joint Pains. Melanie Corbitt, the owner of the shop, sells CBD lotions, oils, vape juices, edibles, beverage enhancers and many other products. There are even CBD products for animals.

Corbitt said that CBD is effective and it is cheaper than prescriptions. She said she had a woman come into the store who had

Lupus and cancer, the woman’s hands were cracked and she had to wear gloves constantly. Nothing would help, but the woman tried the CBD lotion and her hands got significantly better in the span of thirty minute.