By Greg Minor

Student Reporter

Thanksgiving is here, the season of giving. The time when the family gathers around the table covered with food with the main traditional centerpiece, the turkey.

Although some of Northwestern’s students and faculty will get to go home and spend time with their families, others have to stay here on campus.

Many students will be staying in Alva during the break like Avante Groce a sophomore criminal justice major. “Unfortunately I cannot go home for Thanksgiving,” Groce said. “I miss my family even more around the holidays. Occasions like these brings our family together, I just wish I was there to see it.”

Some of these students who cannot go back home may get the opportunity to share thanksgiving with a friend. Going to a friend’s home and enjoying Thanksgiving dinner with their family is what some students do because they can’t afford the trip back home.

John Godwin a sophomore basketball player has brought teammates to his home over the years. “It’s a good experience to help my teammates that live out of state and couldn’t get home to eat with their families,” Godwin said. “I’m just happy I got to help them.”

For the students who may not be able to tag along with a friend, there is still hope of a good meal in town. Most of the athletics teams who participate in the winter still have practice and may be unable to go home. Many churches in town allow the public to come celebrate Thanksgiving with them as well.

The First United Methodist Church opens their doors for those who need dinner on Thanksgiving following their morning service.