By Nick Perkins

Student Reporter

There is a new event the Student Government Association is hosting called Grocery Bingo on Feb. 5 located in the Student Center Ballroom.

The way this event will work is just like regular bingo, except when students win they will get to pick a grocery item such as Wal-Mart gift cards, food items, microwaveable items, cleaning supplies and toiletries. At the end of the event there will be a blackout for a big Wal-Mart gift card.

The idea came from the new SGA advisor who saw the event on another campus and brought it to the SGA officers to see what they thought about the idea. When asked, the officers thought that it was a great idea and could not believe that they had not thought about hosing an event like this before.

This event is a way for students to have fun playing bingo and win some groceries and supplies to help them out.

Some of the other events that the SGA will be hosting this spring semester are the Student VS Faculty basketball game on Feb. 19, Burgers and Baseball on March 12, Hotdogs and Homers, on March 26 and Bahama Breakaway on April 25.

The SGA tries to spread the word about events going on and get students involved. “We try our hardest to use social media as the biggest resource we can to try to get people involved and get them coming out,” said Jacey Bales, SGA president. “We also post flyers’ everywhere.”

Not only do they post their other events, but they also try to help spread the word about other campus organizations and their events that will be going on, since people involved in SGA are also involved in other organizations as well.

SGA events are a good way to get involved in the campus community and meet other students and faculty members.

For more information about the SGA visit the NWOSU website, the SGA’s Facebook page, NWOSU SGA, or follow them on twitter.