By Megan Maharry

Sports Editor

Cold weather and icy winds seem to put everyone in a stay in bed mood.

Although it can sometimes be difficult to motivate ourselves to go to the gym, a workout is rewarding.

Exercising and staying healthy have many benefits. According to Healthline, there are several reasons to brave the cold and get a workout done. Healthline said in addition to helping one lose weight and gain muscle, exercise can also increase happiness and boost energy. And while winter is still in the air, the J.R. Holder Wellness Center has many fitness classes to offer inside the facility. Those who have memberships to the wellness center can attend the classes for free: pilates, spin/cycle, body blast, water aerobics and yoga/advanced yoga.

Pilates is Monday through Thursday at 8:30 a.m. This class is designed to help improve strength, flexibility and posture. Spin/cycle is offered Tuesday’s and Thursday’s at 5:30 p.m. This is a class in which participants can work at their own fitness pace. Body blast is a 45 minute class offered Monday through Thursday at noon. This class incorporates the use of body bars and kettle bells to help improve cardiovascular fitness and strength. Water aerobics, offered Tuesday’s and Thursday’s at 5:30 p.m., takes fitness into the pool where it can not only increase cardiovascular fitness and strength, but is also easy on joints due to the low impact format. Finally, yoga class takes place on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 5 p.m.

An article done by Colorado Technical University said there are multiple reasons why college students should make time for exercise. Their studies found college students benefit from exercise in their focus is heightened, better mood and less stress, increased energy and sharpened memory.

Dormitory South Hall is providing college students with a way to stay fit this winter. Sara Houchin organized a yoga and Zumba class for the residents of the dorm, and leads the classes. The class is every other Monday evening at 7:30 p.m. The classes rotate between yoga and Zumba each week. South Hall supervisor Veronica Nelson said there has been a decent turnout from the residents. She said she would encourage the girls in South Hall to come participate because there are lots of benefits to yoga, such as it can help improve sleep.

Nelson said Zumba, which is a cross of dancing and a workout, is a no weight workout. “It’s a little bit weird to get into at first because you’re like ‘oh my gosh I’m dancing in front of everyone’,” Nelson said. “But it’s fun once you actually get into it.” According to the American Osteopathic Association, yoga has many benefits both mentally and physically.

Physically, the American Osteopathic Association said yoga can: increased flexibility, increased muscle strength and tone, improved respiration, energy and vitality, maintaining a balanced metabolism, weight reduction, cardio and circulatory health, improved athletic performance and protection from injury. Mentally, yoga also offers stress relief. It can also help the mind relax, which in turns sharpens it and increases the ability to concentrate.

Whether it is cardio, yoga or palites, exercise is a positive benefit for both the mind and body.