By Kevin Ford

Student Reporter

You pull into the Coronado parking lot and accidentally hit a vehicle backing out of a parking spot, what should you do?

You should probably call campus police (580-327-8511). Campus police is located in the Student Center. Officer Ethan Kennedy is the interim chief of police. “Our main job is to ensure the safety of both students and faculty on and off campus,” Kennedy said. Campus police is currently in the process of hiring a new chief of police.

Before Kennedy took over the position, Joel Johnson was the chief of police, but left the position during Spring Break. He declined to discuss his leaving, and university spokesman Steven Valencia said administrators do not comment on personnel matters. Johnson is continuing to work with the National Crisis Intervention and Training Institute.

Campus police officers have primary jurisdiction in Enid, Alva and Woodward. Each campus has an outpost and 24-hour office availability. They also have jurisdiction on the connecting highways between the three cities.Campus police may assist the Alva Police Department and Woods County Police.

Campus police are also required to answer calls from the Alva Police Department if they need any extra assistance. If an incident occurs on campus, campus police have authority to make an arrest. Though campus police do not operate with a jail and a dispatch, it is otherwise a fully functional police department.

The most common calls that campus police receives regard parking lot accidents and hit and runs. “Usually this time of semester, everything settles down,” Kennedy said. Finals week is close and most freshman have been on campus long enough to pick up on the flow of the university. Demetri Wilson, now a project adviser for Student Support Servicesm used to work for campus police. He recalled receiving many rather ordinary calls.

“I was working overnight and got a call from a student who just wanted to be escorted from the Fine Arts building to her dorm,” Demetri said. Campus police currently has two full-time positions; however, a third position is still vacant.

Two part-time positions are also vacant.Along with the chief of police job, campus police is also looking for student workers.

Summer positions are needed and students who are interested may apply with student services or visit with the campus police office in the Student Center.