By Ashley Strehl


I have always been one of the many fans of Stephen King and his morbid, no-holding-back horror novels.

They not only give one the spooks, but they address many common real-life and psychological issues that people can relate to and understand. Recently, I have emersed myself into one of King’s novels, “Pet Semetary,” yes, it’s spelled right, I thought that at first too. But the title has more context behind it than one can believe.

I have not had the chance to read the book yet, but when I found out it was coming to theaters I knew I had to do some sort of research on the story before watching, that’s just what I do.

So my friend brought over the 1980s version of “Pet Semetary,” and although I watched it while the sun was still shining, I was very unsettled and disturbed by the movie.

My goodness was it morbid. So much death. And the first death is with (spoiler alert) a cat named Church. I love cats and I absolutely refuse to watch any movie that involves a death or anything related to that of an animal.

So initially, this was my first turn off. Poor cat. BUT THEN, the cat comes back to life! However, it starts acting strange, hissing unnecessarily, bringing half dead things into the house, basically me on my time of the month. As the movie went on, it got crazier and crazier.

I’ll spare you the details. I had high expectations for the 2019 version. As I sat in the theater with my friends and popcorn, I was ready to get my socks scared off. Unfortunately, all I had to sit through was a corny and underwhelming, dumb knockoff of the original.

They changed the story, and surprisingly enough they had to tone down the horror from the original. I was just thinking to myself, “What the heck is this?” I really thought it was going to be better than it was, because when they remade Kings “It” I absolutely loved it.

But this wasn’t better. There were some points where I hid behind my hands and had to look away, but the ending just made me say “Really?” Of course, there was some foreshadowing of a “Pet Semetary 2” which I will probably won’t go see, well I probably won’t have anything better to do… I’ll let you guys know. I give “Pet Semetary” 3 stars out of 5.

Because it DID scare me but it’s really nothing I would write home about.