By Kevin Ford

Student Reporter

The wait is over, an entire decade of movies have culminated into a final showdown, the ultimate finale which is the “Avengers:End Game.”

“End Game” came out Friday and has made an enormous splash in the box office. In just one weekend, End Game has grossed over 1.2 billion dollars worldwide.

Crowd gathers at the Rialto to watch “End Game.”

According to the Alva Rialto Facebook page, “End Game” was the first movie to sell out each showing for the entire weekend. This only compliments the fact that the movie shattered the domestic record for box office income on opening weekend. Grossing a domestic total of a whopping 357 Million dollars according to

The Marvel Cinematic Universe kicked off their extraordinary run of superhero movies with Iron Man back in 2008. Fans familiar with the comics were beyond excited for the arrival of Iron Man, the first Avengers movie came out four years later in 2012. The first Avenger movie truly set the bar for how awesome Marvel movies had become.

They were a must-see, even for people with no affiliation with the comics or superhero flicks in general. Zave Goodrich, senior general studies major at Northwestern said “End Game” was an emotional roller coaster. “It was the most epic movie my eyes have ever witnessed,” Goodrich said. Junior business and administrations major, Hayden Clark, also shared his thoughts on the latest Marvel flick, “Easily top five movie on my list,” Clark said. The Alva community stormed the theatres to watch the final Avengers movie.

“End Game” clocks in at three hours and two minutes and features almost every single superhero the Marvel series have put on the big screen. Fan favorites such as Black Panther, Valkyrie, Hulk, Ant-Man and Hawkeye all return just to name a few. But one might ask, is it the last movie the Marvel Cinematic Universe just made? For the sake of fans everywhere, no. Marvel studios is far from done making movies. Disney owns Marvel, and as long as they are making smash hit movie, Marvel Studios will likely still make more individual superhero movies, without the entirety of the Avengers of course. This is also why a majority of marvel fanatics are sad over the fact that the Avengers will never have another movie together again.Nobody would think back before the first Iron Man came out that superhero movies would have such an emotional bond with people.

That emotion and connectivity is arguably the biggest reason why so many people loved the Avengers. It seemed like Marvel was faced with the impossible task to top each movie they came out with. Most fans would agree that the overall quality of the movies improved over time. The word is out. “End Game” is an extremely well put together movie. Go enjoy the Avengers assembling one last time to fight for the survival of the universe as Marvel brings a legendary chapter to a close in this three hour extravaganza.