Colton Reed
math Major

Q: What is your voice part, and why do you like it?

A: “I am a base and I really like it because it is comfortable for me, if I was a tenor I would have to sing in my falsetto voice and I don’t think it’s as pretty as my lower notes.”

Q: What part of being in choir this semester are you most excited about?

A: “Probably the singers concerts because I recently joined singers and I’ve been in singers before but I had to drop it last semester so I’m pretty excited to get back into it and start singing the better pieces because that’s always super challenging and pretty fun.”

Dakota Rutherford
Vocal Music Education

Q: What’s your voice part and why do you like it?

A: “I sing Bass, to me it is nicer to sing in the lower range, it feels better in the voice and it can be more enjoyable to listen to. Especially doing solo pieces compared to a soprano who are just singing loud and hitting high notes, it is nice to have a lower tone in the mix to mellow things out. There are five basses in Singers Group this semester out of 18 total singers and I am the section leader for the basses.”

Q: What part about being in choir are you most excited about?

A: “Having that many more friends to know, also singing with other people is a great experience and is the best feeling in the world to me. Singing at a “Made in The USA” concert will be my favorite piece we do this year.”

Tyler Cronister
Criminal Justice Major

Q: What instrument do you play and why do you like it?

A: “I play the tenor drums, aka the quads. There is one other quad player in an eight-person drum line. I started wanting to play the drums in high school, but the school didn’t have enough money for any, so we just started banging on barstools and trash cans. Somehow, we caught the eye of the news and a few donations later, we had a drum line in high school and the drums are what I enjoyed playing the most so I decided to continue playing drums in college and for a band outside of college.”

Q: What part about band are you most excited about this semester?

A: “An exciting thing about band this year is that there are almost 60 people compared to last year of about 40. The concert I am most excited about playing is a Queen show later in the semester. Right now, we are practicing marching and the songs for pregame and halftime.”

Abie Reim
English Major

Q: What instrument do you play, and why do you like it?

A: “I play the flute and I enjoy it because it helps me to build up stamina with my breath because its one of the instruments that requires the most lung capacity.”

Q: What part of being in the band this semester are you most excited about?

A: “I’m really excited about marching season because that’s my favorite part of being in the band, concert season not so much because it’s not as active I guess”