by Bryant Venosdel, Student Reporter

Northwestern Oklahoma State University’s freshman enrollment figures have remained steady, and concurrent enrollment numbers have increased since last year, according to NWOSU faculty.

“Our concurrent numbers have increased drastically, and that’s where we are seeing a big increase,” says Calleb Mosburg, Dean of Student Affairs. “Our freshman numbers will be about the same and our transfer numbers are a little bit down, but overall, we are still even.”

NWOSU is not the only campus that is not seeing an increase in its student enrollment numbers. Matt Adair, assistant dean of student affairs, is noticing a trend among college campuses.

“Enrollment across the nation for college has been dropping down across the years, particularly in male students,” Adair said. “There are more women than men going to college right now, which is different than how it was back in the day It has a lot to do with job opportunities, since you can get a trade job now no problem.”

The campus dorms are seeing an increase in students, particularly with women, even with enrollment numbers remaining stable.

“Our female dorms are packed this year, but our men’s dorms not so much,” Mosburg said. “Economic factors play into it, but it has been an increase since last year.”

The majority of NWOSU’s incoming freshman are from the northwest area of the state.

“The numbers show that if two different colleges are in between another college, then a student isn’t going to go that extra distance to go the other college, which is why we are still seeing a lot of kids from northwest Oklahoma here,”Adair said.

Student involvement in activities has gone up, factuly say. Dr. Kimberly Weast, chair of the Fine Arts department, has seen more students enroll and show interest in the Fine Arts this year.

“Marching band numbers have increased,” Weast said. “So has the jazz band, which has almost doubled in size with, along with participation in theatre.”

While participation for Fine Arts activities has risen, the number of people who are majoring in the programs has not increased.

“Students are coming out and getting involved, but the number of people who are getting a major in theatre or band has been stable or gone down,” Weast said.

“It seems like, hopefully, we are on the rebounds with our enrollment numbers,” Mosburg said. “And the students who are here know how good our student life is.”