by McKayla Holson

Do you ever have those times in your life where you swear you have the worst luck in the world? How on Earth does one shake the bad luck away? How did it even get there in the first place?

The majority of us have heard about how breaking mirrors, walking under ladders or opening an umbrella indoors causes bad luck, but I haven’t done any of those things. So, what could be causing these feelings of bad luck?

Alexa Mellardo from Elite Daily lists 14 things that can cause bad luck. Among them are getting into bed on the wrong side, sleeping on a table, not wearing earrings on a boat, not eating an apple every day and placing your hat on a bed or table.

Mellardo said you need to get out of bed on the exact side you got in or you’ll have bad luck for the entire day. Superstitionsonline says to put on your right sock and shoe first when dressing to combat the bad luck.

Superstitionsonline also says that putting your head north when you sleep will cause bad luck. It says that, in Japan, only dead people lie with their head to the north.

Maybe that’s my problem.

Sleeping on a table? I don’t think I’ve ever done that before. Even if you don’t get bad luck from it, you’ll surely get bad back pain.

The earring superstition comes from pirates and sailors. Pirates and sailors wore earrings so they wouldn’t drown in the water.

I don’t eat an apple a day, but I do eat an apple occasionally. This superstition comes from “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

Placing your hat on your bed or table comes from an old superstition about evil spirits according to Laurie L. Dove with People thought evil spirits lived in hats and placing the hat on a bed would allow the spirits to transfer over, but Dove said it was probably just static electricity.

While these superstitions are said to cause bad luck, do they really cause bad luck?

Leon Ho, founder and CEO of Lifehack, said good luck and bad luck don’t exist the way we think they do.

“Your luck is no worse—and no better—than anyone else’s,” Ho said. “It just feels that way.”

To help get rid of the feelings of bad luck, Ho said to stop believing what happens in life is out of your control and to remember what you pay attention to is what grows in your mind.

What happens in your life isn’t controlled by destiny, luck, other people or supernatural forces.

“Fatalism feeds on itself until people become passive ‘victims’ of life’s blows,” Ho said.

Don’t focus on the bad, focus on the good. The world isn’t out to get you, even if it seems that way some days.

“If it isn’t working for you, change it,” Ho said.

I found a post on Twitter by @cryptoseneca that says, “Easy to spot a yellow car when you are always thinking of a yellow car. Easy to spot opportunity when you are always thinking of opportunity.

Easy to spot reasons to be mad when you are always thinking of being mad. You become what you constantly think about. Watch yourself.”

It’s easy to spot the bad when you’re always thinking about the bad.

If you think your life is filled with bad luck, keep your head up and focus on the sunshine in your life. Your luck will turn around.