by Amber Scales, Student Reporter

What will your student senators do for you?

Members of the NWOSU Student Government Association have elected several new senators since the fall semester began, leaving some to wonder what the role of a senator is. To answer that question, The Northwestern News spoke with SGA President Jordan Harris and two new senators, Kaylea Brown and Dawson Maxwell. Here’s what you need to know.

According to Harris, senators vote on issues brought to their attention by members of the student body.

“Senators are involved in the voting process for anything that needs to be voted on,” Harris said. “They are also there to help with events, whether it is setting up or tearing down, and they’re just another voice on campus for students.”

An NWOSU student can become a senator by attending SGA meetings and filling out an online application. Aspiring senators must complete the application, print it off, and get signatures from other students.

“They fill [the applications] out, and they have to get signatures,” Harris said. “Then they come to a meeting and stand up and say why they want to become a senator, and then the members vote on it. There are 15 members, and I know we have a ton of people who have not turned in their applications yet, so we are growing all throughout the year.”

Kaylea Brown was one NWOSU student who applied for one of the coveted leadership positions. She said she became a senator to get more involved and to “have a say” in activities taking place around campus.

“I hope that I’m able to help students see what I first saw when I got to campus, which was a group that would get others involved and help others see it as their home,” Brown said.

Dawson Maxwell said he became a student senator because he was involved in student council in high school, and he wanted to continue serving others.

“As a senator, you have the right to vote for stuff that is happening on campus, and I like to let my voice be known,” Maxwell said. “My hopes are to be the voice of the student body, such as if they want different events. [I want to] help the SGA put those on, and to voice the opinions of the students.”

SGA meetings are held every other Monday at 6 p.m. in the SGA meeting room, located on the second floor of the Student Center. The next meeting will be held Oct. 7.