Michael Czapansky, Homecoming King finalist.
Chuy Dominguez
Chuy is a sophomore mass communications major from Laverne. He is sponsored by the NWOSU band. Chuy enjoys running and digital design.
Matthew Fuller
Matthew is a junior health and sports science education major from Morrison. He is sponsored by NWOSU Esports. Matthew enjoys esports as well as cooking and watching movies.
Sam Gentey
Sam is a sophomore criminal justice major from Corpus Christy TX. He is sponsored by the NWOSU football team. Sam is a Ranger Connection peer leader and he also enjoys hunting and fishing.
Micheal “Spanky” Czapansky
Micheal is a senior agriculture major from Pond Creek. He is sponsored by the Ranger Cheer Squad. Micheal enjoys watching his nieces show livestock, hunting and fishing.