Adriana Guel, Homecoming Queen finalist
Shannon Nesseralla
Shannon is a junior mass communications major from Alva. She is sponsored by NWOSU Panhellnic.
Jakeria Otey
Jakeria is a senior adult education major from Bryant AR. She is sponsored by the NWOSU women’s basketball team.
Katlynn Huckaby
Katlynn is a senior health and sports science major from Mangum. She is sponsered by NWOSU Athletic Training.
Kenlee Netherton
Kenlee is a senior psych/ exercise and sports psych major from Blair. She is sponsored by the BCM.
Adriana Guel
Adriana is a junior social work major from Los Angeles. She is sponsered by Chartwells.
Madison Wilson
Madison is a senior history major from Enid. She is sponsored by Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority.
Jaque Ruhl
Jackie is a senior political science major from Burlington. She is sponsered by Phi alpha Theta.
Mallory Overpeck
Mallory is a senior biology major from Elkhart. She is sponsered by the NWOSU Medical Sciences Club.