“I listen to music and sing along”

  • Laura Reed, elementary education major

“Schedule time for yourself but be intentional about doing it. Do something you love but don’t let it be all that you do.”
– Chloe Nutley, math major

“Make a list of reasons why you are in college and why you need to do your homework and put it on your mirror or next to the door where you will see it every morning.”
-Jake Lee, business major.

“Music and finding time for yourself.”

  • Katie Blair, instrumental music education major

“Go outside and be in nature”

  • Taylor Alexander, English major

“As cheesy…as it may seem, meditate. Just sit and focus on breathing for like 5-10 minutes and you will feel so detached from stress”
-Peyton Lucas, psychology major

“The 4-7-8 breathing technique helps me out the most when I’m stressed. Breath in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds and exhale for 8 seconds.

  • Camille Soderstrom, English education major

“Hanging out with friends to get your mind off of things”

  • Mary Ellis, general studies major

“Taking a drink of water really helps me! It refreshes me. Hugs also really help when I’m feeling overwhelmed or stressed! Watching “Friends” also helps relax me and helps take my mind of stressful situations.”
-Madi Wilson, speech theatre major

“When I’m stressed while working on an assignment or studying for a test, I take a short break and either go on a walk or go to the gym for a little bit. This helps take my mind off of my stress and releases hormones that help clear your head and lower stress levels, so when I go back to my assignment I can focus better and feel less stressed.”

  • Carys Delaplane, nursing major