by Ashley Strehl, Editor-in-Chief

Hello readers, as you are reading this, you are reading one of my last editorials of the semester. Yep, we only have two … TWO issues left, and as much as I love this job, I am ready for a break.

This is has been my most stressful semester as a student and as Editor-in-Chief. I had 17 hours this semester, 5 classes and 1 online class. It was not easy, ever.

I felt like I was under a lot of pressure all the time, not only to be a good student but to be a good editor as well. I know this is a small college, and a small newspaper, maybe a lot of people don’t read it, but I take it very seriously and I have since I began here.

I strive to do my best, and sometimes I don’t live up to everyone’s expectations, especially my own. I don’t know if any of you noticed but last week, I forgot to place the Alva’s Market ad on page 3.

After discovering this when it was too late, I completely had a breakdown. I was so done with failing constantly, I just felt like no matter how hard I try there is always going to be something wrong with this paper and not everyone is going to like what I say or what we say in here.

But … I have to keep reminding myself that, even though this paper is important to me, my mental health should always be more important. I can’t let my job keep me from being proud of myself. And … the fact that I got so upset just shows how much I care about this paper and how much I care about my work.

I called my mom crying and she reminded me of something that she often says, “Just because you failed, does not mean you are a failure.” So each Thursday I take the criticism, It’s good for my character and makes me stronger.