by Logan Meriweather, Student Reporter

Promoting creativity, having fun, trying different mediums, expanding your knowledge, making new friends and serving the community: These are some of the main goals of the Northwestern Oklahoma State University Art Society.

One big goal of the Art Society is to heighten awareness, both on campus and in the community, of the many cultural backgrounds and talents of students.

Art Society President Alanna Negelein said the Art Society does a lot for the community, despite the group’s small numbers. Angelia Case, the group’s sponsor, calls the group small but mighty.

The Art Society has a strong focus on service, members said. They are the sponsoring organization behind the Campus Cabinet, and they host Goodie Giveaway raffles at home basketball games. These giveaways include things they have baked or cooked. This year, they are working with the Culinary Club for this event.

The Art Society had a bake-sale table this year at the homecoming parade. Proceeds from the sale will benefit an alum with cancer. Members also helped paint a sombrero for the Miss Northwestern pageant. The Art Society is always willing and able to lend a hand when asked, members said.

Within the club, members do a lot of fun activities and workshops. Last semester, they had a weaving workshop with Dr. Reigal and Dr. Sattler.

The thing Darian Smith enjoys the most about being in the club is learning about new art mediums. He also enjoys all of the events the Art Society has during the year. Smith joined the Art Society because he wanted to be around other creative minds and expand his view on the world of art in general.

Each year in the spring semester, the Art Society hosts an art show with over 100 entries. These entries come from more than just the students: Faculty, staff and alumni also enter items in it.

To get involved, contact Case at, or Negelein at The Art Society meets each Tuesday at 6 p.m. in Jesse Dunn Annex Room 324.