by Bryant Venosdel, Student Reporter

Education is important but what is more important is being healthy.

Flu season is in full swing and every student is probably hearing the coughs and sneezes from fellow classmates in just about every class.

If you are feeling ill and think you can’t go to class without having a box of tissues you need to use every five minutes, your professor will understand if you don’t show up to class (professors don’t like being sick either).

With the semester winding down and graduation around the corner, we don’t need a campus full of red-nosed students shuffling class to class.

Your fellow classmate will thank you for not making the classroom a hotbox full of airborne flu particles, keep it contained in your own room.

Instead find out what you missed in class and make it up at a later date so you can still get credit.

If you are feeling ill, here’s some tips to get better so you can get well: drink fluids, buy medicine and a big game changer is getting a humidifier.

Humidifiers add moisture to the surrounding air which makes the room more comfortable and that can help stop colds.

On the other side, if you are a student who is trying to stay away from people who are sick and stay as healthy as you can this flu season here is what you can do to avoid it: use hand sanitizer any chance you get, keep you and your house clean and sanitized and avoid people who are sick.

This flu season doesn’t have to be a terrible time if everyone is smart when and when they are not sick.

Keep your professors updated if you won’t be in class and when you are not showing signs of being sick go back to class when you can. Everyone on campus will thank you.