by George Smith, Student Reporter

Claire Theis, president of Conserving Our Ranger Environment, is starting a new recycling project on campus. CORE is going to start recycling paper, so students that have trash paper can recycle it rather than just throwing it away.

“[We are] starting pretty small, primarily just having bins in the library and the Academic Success Center,” Theis said.

Theis believes this will have a positive impact on the campus and will help make the campus cleaner.

The mission of CORE is to empower communities in northwest Oklahoma to engage with local and global environmental issues while promoting investment in the well-being of all inhabitants.

CORE serves the communities of northwest Oklahoma by sponsoring an environmental education event once every term, operating the university’s recycling programs, and holding a textbook-reuse drive every term.

Jordan Villalva, a first year member of CORE, said Northwestern is a great place to start this program because there isn’t a place in northwest Oklahoma that offers paper recycling. Villalva said she is excited to get this project going, and she thinks it will be beneficial for students.

CORE members plan to have the recycling bins ready for students to use next semester. Members hope they can expand this project to other schools and other locations throughout Oklahoma.

Dr. Aaron Place and Dr. Steven Mackie serve as the group’s advisors.