by Angel Perez, Student Reporter

Interview with Kyle Rogers

Why did you choose your major?

“I choose my major because I want to work somewhere in the agricultural field.”

What is your favorite class?

“Favorite class is livestock feed because I like applying the skills and problem solving that goes into figuring out what an animal needs to gain.”

What is the best part of being in your major?

“Best part about my major is that I can apply what I learned in a real-world application.”

Tips for underclassmen in the major?

“Tips for underclassman would be to stay on top of your work because it’s easy to get behind if you’re not focused.”

What is your dream job with the major?

“In addition to obviously playing professional baseball, advancing agricultural practices to optimize crop yield, respect human rights, improve livelihoods of farmers and ensure supply as part of the objective of building a more sustainable food system.”