by Ashley Strehl, Editor-in-Chief

Happy Valentine’s Day to all of my readers! I hope you take the chance to read the shout-outs we received on Pages 6 and 7 because they are so sweet; I found myself stuck with a smile as I read through them!

With the holiday tomorrow, I know this can leave some of us feeling lonely or left out because we don’t have a significant other. I have been there, my friends, but I am thankful to say that I am celebrating my second year with my Valentine. Now, I have already given advice on how to STAY in a relationship, but I haven’t actually given any on how to GET in a relationship. So, here are my three tips on how to find your person.

Step 1: Put yourself out there! Life is not a romantic comedy; you can’t expect that perfect guy or girl to just show up on your doorstep one day out of nowhere. Go out, meet people, be yourself and never be shy. The right person will appreciate that.

Step 2: Lower your standards. Don’t get me wrong: You all know what you deserve from a person, and you should never settle for less! However, if you aren’t taking your chances with someone great because of how they physically look, you’re doing it all wrong, my friend … all wrong, and that is a discussion for another time.

Step 3: Expect to fail. Your first Valentine will more than likely not be your last. You might get your heart broken, and you might even break one yourself. However, please don’t let this scare you into not even trying to find someone at all. Trust me, dating is trial-and-error!

I also want you all to also know that it is PERFECTLY OKAY to be single on Valentine’s Day! My Grandma gave me a necklace once that said: “Love yourself, it is a lifelong romance,” and that has stuck with me since I first read it. Buy yourself some chocolates and/or flowers! That’s okay, too. Have

Happy Valentine’s Day, guys. I hope it’s a good one.