by Alejandro Aaron, Student Reporter

Music plays a bigger role in our lives than we are able to realize on the day to day basis.

Music can stimulate the body’s natural feel good chemicals such as endorphins and oxytocin. It helps energize your moods and take control of your feelings. It can help you work through life problems at times.

When you find your specific genre, artist, album, song or playlist that is relatable to your life or what you been through just hits the heart different. You feel like you have found someone that can relate to what you are going through or how you feel.

Music is a type of art. Just like any other form art making and observing art can help soothe the soul. Making art can help you express how you feel. Music can make you feel a certain way.

Sometimes in certain songs you may just like just the beat, the flow, the rhythm, or the lyrics. Everyone has their own taste on what they like more when it comes to music. Most of the time it’s what the artist is saying and the message they are sending out in that specific song. Sometimes it can be how they say it as well.

Just like any other form of art every artist has a talent (which is being creative when it comes to being artistic) and they have their own style. Everyone has a liking for a certain style and that is how listeners find out which artist or song they like.

You will find what you like and listening to it gives you that good feeling. When you have found your favorite artist you will continuously be looking and waiting for them to drom new music that will give you that good feeling again.

That feeling that music gives you helps you in ways you don’t even realize. It helps you take your mind off of problems and helps you stop worrying. It can also give you ideas on how to solve problems. It’s a necessity when it comes to life.