by George Smith, Student Reporter

Ashley Fischer

The start of something new can be a challenge and a steppingstone all in one.

With a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Northwestern and a love for numbers and Excel, an entry level job as the secretary for the Division of Business at Northwestern seemed to suit Ashley Fischer just right.

While she works for the Division of Business, she is also working on a master’s degree in education, but she is still unsure of her area.

“I would like to teach computer science,” Fischer said, “but business and accounting sounds fun too because of all the numbers to play with.”

On her commute from Kiowa every day with her husband, Richard Fischer, they indulge in conversations like which fish tastes the best, a lesson she learned while deep sea fishing for red snappers off the coast of Key West and how kids show their animals in the FFA, which she would have liked to do in high school seeing as how she graduated from the rural district of Chisholm Public Schools.

With her minor in the visual arts, Fischer is quite the artist. Although she hates selling her pieces because of the, “personal attachment to them.”

“I sold my first one at the show with all of the other art majors,” she said, “and I felt awful about it. It hurt to sell something that you’ve worked on for forty plus hours”

Some of her paintings are hung up in her room on the second floor of Jesse Dunn along with her sense of humor on the door with pictures of memes and other quirky cutouts pinned up.

Overall Fischer says that her position is a good steppingstone toward furthering her career as a teacher and hopes that the lessons learned in school and at work will help her succeed in the future.