by McKayla Holson, Editorial Editor

I have this theory and I like it.

Have you ever had that weird feeling where your entire body gets hot and it’s almost like your soul leaves your body? And you snap back and feel like a piece of you left? I hope it’s not just me who has that.

Some might think it’s weird, but I like to think that feeling is one of my lives dying and my consciousness moving forward in a continuing timeline.

Basically, you die in one reality and continue in another.

I don’t know if I’ve read or seen this before, but I’ve felt this way for years. I tend to stick to SyFy/Fantasy works so there’s a decently good chance this is the plot to some movie or book out in the world.

If you know of one like it, please let me know about it because I’d like to see or read it. You can find my email on page four in a box at the bottom of the page. thanks in advance!

I just like the idea that people don’t just end. They can die and end up food for worms, continue on in a different timeline or they can be in the sky somewhere, but I love thinking that people are continuing on in their own special world. Who knows what really happens. I’ll find out eventually.

I personally think it’s a nicer image seeing someone’s life continue.

Even though we can’t see them, they’re still walking alongside us and spending time with us, they’re just doing it in a different reality. There’s just a thin veil between the two realities.

That could explain when people can feel the presence of their loved ones. I like that idea too. The idea that ghosts and spirits are the loved ones living their lives out and are not just leftover energy.

There could even be little glitches in the system that other realities have figured out. Like how many people say a red cardinal is a visitor from Heaven. Maybe they’re a visitor from another reality.

Anyway, this is just a midnight ramble of mine, though much later than midnight, and it might not make sense to most. And that’s OK. Everyone has their own thoughts and desires, and this is just one of mine. It seems peaceful to me and it makes for an interesting tale to tell.