by Alex Alejandro, Student Reporter

According to the CDC, in 2019 China reports the first case of the Coronavirus and now is affecting people worldwide.
With the coronavirus being a pandemic people are starting to proceed with caution. With over 358,477 cases worldwide and 39,371 cases in the United States alone, some which have the virus and have not been diagnosed.
Some of the side effects of COVID-19 are fever, cough, tiredness and trouble breathing. The younger population are asymptomatic and are not bound to get all the side effects if infected.
Those with weak immune systems, respiratory systems and weak lungs are more in danger or at risk for the Coronavirus.
Share Medical Hospital is open for those who feel the individual is being infected with the virus, Northwestern and Share Medical is available to self-quarantine the infected person.
The virus is spreading quickly and extreme measures have been taken to help reduce the spread. Cleanliness is important at this time, when comparing other viruses. The virus is spreading fast and extreme measures have been taken.
Sports, meetings and in person classes have been canceled for the remainder of the first half of the year. No one saw the virus coming or the drastic increase the virus has caused. Precautions must be taken and people need to be mindful about how many people the individual comes into contact with.
All the sports being canceled at every level all athletes are going through a rough patch as he or she are getting out of a normal routine.
School, sports and work is all athletes are used to doing on the day-to-day basis. Now schools are closed, sports are canceled or postponed while most workplaces are cutting hours or closing down temporarily. The change going on in everyday lives is not only affecting athletes, but those with jobs.
Workers who are temporarily out of a job are dealing with bills and other payments, which before the virus could normally handle.
The pandemic has made all citizens take extreme measures and needs to be stopped or slow down before the virus gets worse. Cities have shut down and went into quarantine to minimize the spread. Residents can only leave the house to either go to work or to get groceries. Stores are being wiped out of all toiletries, while some are not able to get any even if the store is out and families with kids are not able to get the basic necessities to get through the pandemic. Since 2019, Coronavirus has taken the lives of 16,000 and the plan is to help the death rate decrease as everyone takes the precautions to slow the spread of the virus.