By Kolton Fishback, Student Reporter

No-touch: bring a new appliance to the office, like a toaster or microwave. Stick a sign to the device that says “voice-activated” and see if anyone tries to use it hands-free.

Brown E’s prank: Cut out several letter E’s from brown construction paper and set them on a plate. Fool your friends and family by telling them there are fresh brown E’s waiting in the kitchen. 

Self-aware computer: This is the perfect way to pull an April Fool’s Day prank on a gullible co-worker. Arrive early to the office with a wireless keyboard. Pair your co-worker’s computer with the device, but leave their regular keyboard in place. Control their computer from your own desk and watch how they react when the machine seemingly takes on a life of its own.

Waiting on a response: With everyone stuck inside and more than likely on their phones, pretend to be typing forever. The three little dots will signal that you are responding, but you will not send anything and they will be waiting on a response. Why does it feel like they have been typing for an eternity? It’s because they haven’t typed at all. 

Sneeze Scare: This prank is perfect because of the epidemic of COVID-19: sneak up behind someone and pretend to sneeze with great force, at the same time spray some water on the back of their neck.