Binger: The home of Johnny Bench

By LOGAN MERIWETHER, Student Reporter

Binger: the home of Johnny Bench.

Binger, Oklahoma, is otherwise known as the home of Johnny Bench, a Major League Baseball catcher until 1983. Binger is usually busy with old farmers drinking their coffee at Crainco, the local quick stop. Meeks 152 Diner in town is usually packed with people, especially on Friday nights when it services catfish. When you get gas at Domino’s quick stop, you will always run into a friendly, familiar face.

The main street through Binger, Oklahoma, is deserted during the pandemic.

But the town has changed a lot with the looming threat of the corona virus. No old farmers enjoy their morning coffee, and the diner isn’t packed on Friday nights because you can’t go inside. When you go to the local Dollar General, you see tape lines throughout the store and signs telling you how many people can go down an aisle at a time. You still see plenty of people shopping at Dollar General because it is the best option since the nearest Walmart has a confirmed case of Covid-19. When you go to Domino’s you rarely see someone you know, and even if you do, they usually stay in their vehicles and don’t come over to talk.

A lot of people are spending most their days on the family farm, checking cattle and staying home to avoid going into town as much as possible. Fortunately, the freezer is stocked with beef and the pantry is full of food. Someone even managed to get their hands on a little bit of toilet paper!