by Michelle Willson, Editor-in-Chief

It’s my senior year! It’s been three years, One more year to go! I am simultaneously counting down the days and also regretting that they’re coming by so fast. I can’t believe I’m almost done. I can’t believe that I have no idea what I will do when I graduate and I can’t believe that life is coming so fast.

Four years ago I sat as a senior in high school still having to raise my hand to ask “may I use the restroom” and not being allowed to go out of the school for lunch and now they expect me to know what I want to do, when I want to do it and what my 5-year plan is. Well… I’ve never been one to plan for the future and that’s going to bite me in the butt.

I joined the mass communications major as a freshman in college. I had been an editor of the newspaper on my high school and that was pretty much the only thing that I liked to do but I threw myself into the major. I started as an editor on the newspaper, I immediately started taking major courses and pushed off a lot of my gen. ed’s.

Personally, that was a mistake because by the end of my sophomore year I decided that I didn’t think this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life and yet here I am now 3/4 done with school way too far into my major to back out and I still haven’t taken general biology.

Better yet, I have a minor in librarian science… If I want to be a librarian I’d have to get a master’s degree in library science… But do I want to be a librarian… I don’t know.

I know I said I’m counting down the days but yet I’m fearful for what will come afterwards. I am a mass communications major with a librarian science minor, I don’t know if I want to do either one and so where does that get me? What’s my next step?

Some parts of me wish I would have went into psychology because I really like that and for a while I had a psych minor and I really loved those courses after that I switched to a leadership minor which I liked but the class rotations were a mess compared to my schedule and that’s how I landed on the librarian science major.

Even with the stress of life to come I am grateful for all the time I had at Northwestern. I got to spend most of my college experience with two of my sisters and I have made wonderful friends. I’ve helped start a club, I’ve learned a lot about myself and college really has been a life-changing experience for me. I may not know what life will bring but I know that I definitely have a place to fall back on. I’ve made lots of connections and relationships and I know that Northwestern has set me up to do be prepared for whatever comes next.