by Jordan Green, News Editor

Fifteen Northwestern students have tested positive for the coronavirus, an increase of nine students since Aug. 28, university officials said Sept. 4.

In a recent email to students, Northwestern President Janet Cunningham said the total number of positive COVID-19 cases among Northwestern students includes cases at all of the university’s campuses in Alva, Enid, and Woodward.

Officials did not identify the students who tested positive for the virus. No university employees have tested positive for the virus, officials said.

Officials first reported on Aug. 28 the number of students who have COVID-19. At the time, six students had tested positive for it.

University officials will report the number of active COVID-19 cases each Friday on the university’s website, Cunningham said. To see the number of cases on all campuses, visit

As of press time Wednesday, the City of Alva had 25 cases of the virus. Nineteen of the people who tested positive for the virus have recovered, leaving six active cases in the city.

Woods County had 31 positive COVID-19 cases. Twenty-five people have recovered from the virus, leaving six positive cases in the county.

No one in the county has died from the virus, officials said.

The State of Oklahoma had 65,053 cases of the virus as of press time, data from the Oklahoma State Health Department shows. Of those cases, 9,930 are active. Statewide, 54,269 people have recovered from the virus, and 854 people have died from it.

The U.S. has more than six million cases of the virus. More than 189,000 Americans have died from it, and more than two million have recovered from it.