by Logan Meriwether, Student Reporter

Northwestern Oklahoma State University recently hired a new head women’s soccer coach who is setting the bar high for his team.

Alex Piekarski, a Wisconsin native, has played and coached at all levels of soccer. He has a lot of experience and is very excited about being at Northwestern.

Piekarski has been at every level of college soccer. From playing division III soccer at Lakeland University, to being the assistant coach assistant coach at a Division I college, Utah State University. He was also the assistant coach at numerous division II schools.

“My heart has always been set on Division II and when the opportunity presented itself to come to Northwestern I couldn’t pass it up,” Piekarski said.

Piekarski was first attracted to Northwestern because it was a Division II.
After being here, he enjoys the small town community and is grateful for their support. Northwestern’s administrations commitment to excellence for both sports and academics attracted him as well.

Due to COVID-19 guidelines, Piekarski hasn’t been able to start full contact practice but has been working on the players skills, strength and conditioning.

Piekarski has been working with the girls being more confident with the ball improving on their dribbling and shooting.

Even though Piekarski would rather be playing right now, he believes this extra time to practice has been great for his team improving on every aspect of the game.

Kennedy Mount the assistant coach for Northwestern’s women’s soccer first got started in soccer by watching her sister play and knew she wanted to follow on her sister’s footsteps.

After having a season ending injury her senior year of college she decided it would be best to work on her masters and become the assistant coach and hopes one day she can be a head coach.

Mount holds Piekarski in high regard, she believes he has handled this different type of season due to the COVID-19 restrictions well.

Mount believes Piekarski has a lot of experience with soccer. Mount said, playing as a goalie helped him gain a lot of knowledge and know how, but also coaching at different levels has taught him a lot as well.

Mount believes Piekarski has set a high standard for the team which she thinks is really great to keep the girls wanting to improve.