By Michelle Willson, Editor-in-Chief

So lately I have been obsessed with this game called Among Us. Like, playing it nonstop. But one thing that the game shows pristinely is how gullible people are and how strong my mentality really works.

So I’ve always believed in mob mentality. Being a people pleaser myself, I tend to go with what other people are going with. But in this game, someone will say “it’s yellow” and then without question most of the time everyone will vote for yellow. They don’t need proof or any sort of evidence they just agree.

I feel like the form of mob mentality spans from wanting to blend in. If you go against the flow, people automatically assume you’re suspicious. Why are we so brainwashed that different points of view scare us? Shouldn’t people be rewarded for standing up for others? I feel like that is something to think about.

If someone does ask for evidence, the person who made the original claim normally just says “yellows is acting sus” or “if it’s not yellow, vote me” and everyone else just votes yellow.

Once you’ve played the game, you start to notice the little tricks people pull to get people on their sides. “I am new here, how do I vent like pink.” Fully knowing that only imposters can band so they were accusing people without accusing them so then they can play dumb if it’s not pink.

It’s also kind of scary how well people can lie. This is me kind of calling myself out. I prefer to be the imposter I’ve got it almost down to a science. Kill, vent, sabotage on the other side of the map so everyone runs that way and you have more time to get away.

It’s also cool to see the trust that’s formed. When someone realizes that you’re not the imposter and they stick by your side so you always have an alibi and someone watching your back.

I wrote a review on Among Us this week because I really do like it (look at page 9 for the review), but it’s crazy how such a small game can make you realize how messed up the world is. I feel like Among Us directly relates to our current reality.

Players have to be careful to report a dead body in the game because almost immediately someone will say “self report?” And try to get the reporter voted off.

Now, I’m sure it’s not just me who finds a direct correlation to people coming out with their stories and immediately blamed for something that happened. “Well, what were you wearing?” “Did you fight back hard enough?” which are disgusting to even think about. Your first thought should be that you will find out who did it and get them the repercussions they deserve, not victim blaming.