by Michelle Willson, Editor-in-Chief

The movie fractured is on Netflix. It follows this family who is on a road trip the daughter gets injured and her parents take her to the sketchy hospital on the side of the highway. At first glance you notice that they do A lot of organ transplants and the hospital itself just gives you a sketchy vibe.

They’re told that only one parent can go down with the child as she gets tested so the mom goes down and the dad stays in the waiting room. You watch as a whole day the status nervous and his family never comes back.

As he approaches hospital staff they claim that the daughter and mom never came they check cameras and it just so happened that everywhere the mom and daughter stood or walked was just out of view of the cameras and the hospital staff is kind of persistent and acting like the dad didn’t come in with anyone and that makes you and the whole situation feel more weird.

He tells some cops he sees outside and they agree to go to the last place that someone saw him with his daughter and wife. Which was the gas station where the accident happened. Upon further review there’s more blood then there should’ve been at the scene and they immediately suspect that he’s killed them.

The whole movie takes you on an emotional roller coaster where if you were are trying to decide whether to believe the hospital staff or the dad. This movie holds your attention for the whole time.

I will honestly give this movie a four out of five stars all together and three and a half out of five stars for the scary aspect. Because you’re in captivated by the story, you’re trying to figure out what’s happening and in the end you probably have it wrong.

The way the movie is shot through the dads mind add some extra suspense. By showing viewers what is sticking out to him as he looks around, like when it focuses on the organ donor boxes and what the staff is saying.

This movie is not jump scare or gore scary its psychologically scary which is my favorite. It makes you think about the world around you and question what is real. I would recommend this movie to anyone who like psychological thrillers or movies that make you question your own reality.

This movie left me and my friends with so many questions that we were still talking about it three days later. “Well what if “or “so did this happen or did I imagine it” still randomly to this day will have like these questions that will pop in her head that will have to ask each other. I think that’s a sign of a good movie. It really leaves you on the edge of your seat while also wrapping up all the loose ends you need to make the story complete in your head.