by Jara Reeder, Student Reporter

Angelia Case, who oversees the Campus Cabinet, sorts through canned goods and other items in the food pantry in this August file photo.

Northwestern athletes are hosting a food drive until Oct. 19 to help out Northwestern’s Campus Cabinet.

Ariel Forsyth, a 20-year-old social work major from Quinlan, Texas, organized the food drive.

“As a social work major, we are required to conduct a service-learning project,” she said. “I spoke with many people, debating on what to do for my project. After I spoke with Ms. Angelia Case about Campus Cabinet, I knew I wanted to help create a food drive. I decided to involve the student athletes since we are such a big part of campus.”

Forsyth said she involved athletes because they are active in the community.

“Student athletes participate in tons of community service throughout the year,” she said. “With coronavirus this year, we are not getting to participate as much. The food drive is a great way for athletes to be able participate in helping the community this year.”

Students wishing to donate food should find a drop box around campus in which to place the items they’re donating.

Drop boxes will be located in the men’s and women’s locker rooms. There is also a box in the J.R. Holder Wellness Center for non-athletes wanting to help.

“The goal is to help fill up the Campus Cabinet since, in the spring, we weren’t able to have food drives,” Forsyth said.

The organizers of the food drive are asking students and faculty to give at least two to three cans of food. They are also asking for donations of hygiene products. Students who are in need of these supplies and more – including clothing, pillows, and blankets – can get help from the Campus Cabinet.

Gina Wilson, a 20-year-old nursing major from Perry, said: “I like how each team is contributing. It is true [that] the majority of our campus is sports-based. So, we should help those in need and if even there’s people on teams that may as well need it.”

Jessalyn Rivet-Tissot, a 22-year-old biology major from Chailloué, France, said: “I think it’s a good idea that athletes and students with extra goods could help out and also help the students that rely on the Campus Cabinet.”