by Laney Cook, Student Reporter

Grab a flashlight, some friends, and some good walking shoes and make your way out to the largest hay maze in Oklahoma at Bradt’s Menagerie.
For the past five years, SGA has put on a hay maze during the month of October for anyone who wants to ‘get lost’ as Ethan Sacket, SGA president, would say.

“We peaked about three years ago when we had the college rodeo going on,” Sacket said, “we hit about 425 people.”

Cody Cosper, a junior, attended the hay maze on October 14 to get all the stamps in a record time that beats his previous years’ time of an hour. They got it down to 15 minutes this time.

“We gave our flashlight to someone else because they needed it more,” Cosper said. “It was kind of fun going around in the dark not really knowing where exactly you’re going but still having some sense of idea of where you’re at.”

Senior Scout Frame, juniors Kiana Walker and Carlee Murray, and freshman Josena Frame of the women’s NWOSU basketball team came to bond with each other outside from just hanging out on campus.

“It’s just another way to hang out with each other outside of the gym,” Walker said.

“We really enjoyed the competitiveness,” Scout said, “we ran throughout the entire maze to compete with one another.”

SGA is hosting another maze event during the last week of October.