by David Thornton, Photographer

Northwestern baseball competes in intersquad scrimmages to allow players a more game-like environment that they cannot create during regular practice.

During the past few months, the Northwestern baseball team has been running scrimmage games against each other. The team has played around 16 scrimmages.
“They are part of our practice where we separate our players into two teams and create a more game-type environment,” Bowen said.
“I am really excited about this team and I can’t wait to go compete with them this spring,” Bowen said.
He plans to have five more scrimmages before the end of fall comes.
“The team loves to scrimmage. Any time we can create a game-like environment, they love it,” Bowen said.
Senior outfielder Daschal Johnson said the scrimmages bring great competition.
Each scrimmage they play with normal regulations and keep score. The idea is to keep the scrimmages game like.
“I want them to learn from game-like situations,” Bowen said. “Things happen in a game that you can’t simulate in practice and there’s much to learn from these situations. Also, I love to see the players compete and deal with adversity.”
“Growth through struggle,” is the way Bowen describes the current situation the athletics world is in due to COVID-19 and the NCAA.
“ I am really excited about this team and I can’t wait to go compete with them this spring,” Bowen said. “We have a lot of talented pitchers and players. We should be able to give many different looks to prevent other teams from scoring runs and we have many different types of ways to score runs on the offensive side of the ball.”